Drug De-addiction Treatment


Naltrexone Implant in India


Treatment for alcohol patients


Wednesday, 28 September 2016

An Overview on Opioid Substitution Treatment

Opioid-related problems which includes addiction, are increasing and more doctors are likely to have connect with such patients. Addiction of a drug is a chronic disease, but opioid substitution treatment can reduce both death and disease. There is a considerable evidence base for the opioid substitution treatments for patient’s rehabilitation.The drugs which are used for the Opioid Substitution Treatment include methadone, naltrexone and buprenorphine which could be with or without naloxone. Regular assessments are required, not only to check for the efficacy and safety, but also to hold the patient in the treatment program. Below are the main drugs used for the treatment:

Methadone: Methadone in its oral inventionand has about 70% bioavailability equatedto the parenteral formulation. When 'nil orally' limits apply a 30% of usual dose drop is suggested. Patients on methadone who have severe pain will typicallyneed higher than customary doses of opioid analgesics because of tolerance while having their systematic daily methadone dose maintained.

Buprenorphine and naloxone: Buprenorphine is articulatedunaccompanied or in blend with naloxone. In the blend the buprenorphine to naloxone ratio remains 4:1, for instance16 mg buprenorphine with 4 mg naloxone. In addition to sublingual tablets, the blend is formulated as a film that melts rapidly under the tongue.

Naltrexone: Naltrexone has been used for opioid addiction as it simplifies the maintenance of opioid moderation. While naltrexone has effectiveness in treating alcohol dependence, the suggestion for naltrexone's efficacy in curing opioid addiction is less impressive. Naltrexone is not suggested for simplifying rapid opioid detoxification.

Duration of the treatment:
Any king of addiction is a chronic disease so extended treatment for example more than a year can give the best outcomes, but many patients have tendency to discontinue opioid substitution therapy after moderately brief periods of improvement. Recalling a patient in therapy is hence an ongoing challenge for the doctor. Many opioid substitution programs recall patients for less than 12 months, treatment outcomes are improved when lengthier retention is attained.

Evaluating safety and efficacy:
Monitoring opioid substitution therapy is a vital part which must be taken good care. This includes regular valuation for any adverse events and the patient's evolution. There are many long-term problems and other problems of opioid therapy including hypogonadism, gut motility disturbances, hyper algesia, osteoporosis, hyper hydrosis, tooth decay, sleep disorder and driving hazards. It must be ensured that safe storage and transport of the medicine is given to the patient. For example, Buprenorphine film may melt in temperatures which is above 25°C. anda lockable box to store take-away doses is crucial when children are at home.

A wider perspective on Substance Abuse Management

People sometimes tend to catch some bad habits. These habits such as taking drugs can pose grave threat when they transform into addictions. Drug addictions are definitely not uncommon today and many people suffer from such issues. However it has to be noted that there is a solution to every problem and the same stands true for drug addiction. People suffering from such problems can always contact professionals who cater to substance abuse management cases almost every day. Professional medical experts work with centers that exclusively work towards betterment of the society.
These centers help people fighting with grave addictions such as drug addiction or alcohol addiction. There are doctors that deal with Substance Abuse Management on very personal level and give individual attention to each and every patient. Each and every case of drug abuse is different and thus it is essential to get to the bottom of the reasons that led the person to take drugs in the first place. Some people indulge in this deadly habit on their own while there are some who get influenced by bad company.
Factors like the above help the professionals dealing with substance abuse management understand the patient in a much better manner. It also helps them in realizing the future recovery speed and response to the treatment. The therapist dealing with a particular addict has to remember to develop a connection with the patient so that he or she can listen and understand the dialogues of the doctor. The doctor also requires asking queries to the patient in order to help him recover from the addiction.
There are specially designed programs in the rehab centers and these people take care of every possible thing related to the addict. For instance the doctors at the center also keep a check on the visitors of the drug addict. Only a few selected people are allowed to visit the patient and the list can be different for every addict. People who can be bad influence are strictly banned from meeting the patient so that they cannot harm the process of recovery. Recovering from drug addiction is definitely not simple and thus the doctors at the rehab center take no risks whatsoever.
The doctors dealing with substance abuse management undertake a very detailed process for recovery of the patients and it is also essential to know about the various treatments available. The treatments, if successful on the patients help them to lead a very normal life which is otherwise very difficult for them medically and socially. The medical treatments help them to recover and enhance their personal ability to work and function. One and only goal of every treatment is to get rid of the drug addiction and walk freely towards a happy and healthy life.
It has to be understood that every patient requires a different sort of treatment as the level of addiction differ from person to person. A person who has severe drug addiction will require many sessions of the treatment plus medications as he cannot be cured in single session. The treatments are much like well-designed projects which are customizable according to the needs of the patients. Doctors handling substance abuse management go through different kinds of cases every day and help people in a very noble manner.
Drug addiction can happen to anyone and it is the duty of the family and friends of the person to help him get through the hard times. There are many great medical institutions that operate these days in order to help people get rid of their bad addictions and live a happy life with their loved ones.

Monday, 19 September 2016

What You Should Know About Disulfiram Implants

Disulfiram (Antabuse) is a drug which acts as useful way to stop further drinking when taken by mouth.
Disulfiram is still the best alternative as a treatment for alcohol dependence. Studies have revealed that patients with alcohol dependence have been treated successfully in a manner that is superior to naltrexone and acamprosate. It is also very useful in those patients who have co-morbid cocaine and alcohol dependence
It is a medicine which is used as a conditioning treatment for alcohol dependence. If taken while consuming alcohol, disulfiram results in many unpleasant effects.
The initial dose can be as 500 mg taken once daily, the dose can be administered in the evening, if the medication is sedating. Ideally the daily dose should be taken in the morning
Side Effects: The side effects of the drug include amongst others generalized flushing, headache, dyspnoea, malaise, vomiting, palpitations, hypotension and tachycardia are also present. Cardiovascular collapse can result in complicated reactions; fatalities have occurred in exceptional instances, this is why their possibility must be explained to the patient before prescribing the drug. However, it is a drug which is not too severe. If however, alcohol is taken a reaction does not ensue it is appropriate to raise the daily dose of disulfiram to 400mg.
It is without alcohol also that the side-effects from disulfiram can develop. If the patient faces serious side effects, it requires the immediate cessation of the drug. These side effects include amongst others convulsions, peripheral neuritis or psychosis; they are rare. Some of the common side-effects are nausea, drowsiness, depression, anorexia, headaches and impotence. Drowsiness is caused when the patient takes the drug at night; a change of medication can be made to citrated calcium carbimide if one of the other effects is persistent (Abstem), in a dose of one or two 50 mg tablets daily.
One of the main difficulties is that of gaining patient compliance with oral deterrents against drinking. Alcoholics who have been asked to take disulfiram may not start the medication; the more frequently stop it prematurely.
Because of the widespread devastating consequences of alcohol abuse many non-pharmaceutical and pharmacological interventions has been developed so as to control alcohol-related problems. An old pharmacological agents used for this purpose is disulfiram.
Its origin dates back to the 1800s, when it was first used in the manufacturing process of rubber. It was in 1937 that the use for containing the effects from alcohol consumption was discovered. This took place when a chemical plant physician by the name of Williams reported the unpleasant symptoms that were seen in the disulfiram-exposed workers after they had consumed alcohol.
How it works
The drug works by creating an acute reaction after alcohol intake. It helps to block the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase resulting in a metabolic build-up of acetaldehyde thereby resulting in many different kinds of symptoms that are unpleasant after alcohol consumption which is more commonly known as the Disulfiram-Ethanol Reaction (DER). A person cannot bear the physical discomfort. This is when a person experiences these symptoms; most people immediately stop taking alcohol. Despite the fact that it more commonly used treatment alternative, the main concern in coonecti0n with disulfiram therapy is the difficulty of getting patients to take disulfiram on a regular basis. At times the cessation of the drug arises due to the patients intention to resume taking alcohol; in other instances it arises from confidence or apathy that abstention can he maintained by other means. A lot of alcoholics are there who will stop drinking alcohol through measures that do not involve disulfiram or calcium carbimide. However, a deterrent medication is a useful alternative therapy especially in the early stages of abstinence.
How to purchase them
The form of intramuscular implantation or the subcutaneous of sterile pellets of disulfiram is an alternative method of administration. You can get them from the market under the brand name of Esperal.